Thank you and Farewell

Fri, 01/10/2014 - 14:11
by Eric McIntyre

Thanks to Governor Greg Rose for attending our January 9 chapter meeting and helping with the installation of a fantastic new board, one with an energetic agenda (among other things, look for 2014 opportunities to garner CE credits at a nice price).  I was given a gift and an embarrassingly nice tribute as I stepped down from the El Presidente for Life Jacques Augusto Pinochet Hourguettes memorial chair.

Thank you for an eventful and exciting 18 months as Deep South President.  Much was accomplished (including new bylaws, pilot chapter for the new CPCU Society website, and host chapter duties for the 2013 Annual Meeting), and I think we have a solid financial and idea base moving forward.  I may be forgotten, but I won't be gone:  I will be chapter webmaster and interest group liaison for the foreseeable future, and am the Secretary of the International Insurance Interest Group (3iG) through 2015.

In closing, let me just say:  eat your vegetables (Kevin), pay your dues, join an interest group, and contribute a little time and effort to the success of your chapter.  I promise you'll get back more than you give.  Oh, and check out the photo gallery from the January 9th meeting.  (Note:  if you don't check out the pictures, you won't get the benefit of my humor as you hover over some of them.)

See you around, good friends!

Eric W. McIntyre, CPCU, AINS, AIT

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